Sunday, July 15, 2007

Strange But True Facts

FC Barcelona, in addition to the expected basketball, handball and futsal squads, runs both a baseball team and a...roller hockey team (?).


Linda said...

Not only that:

"There are also a number of prominent amateur sports teams that compete at rugby union, women's basketball, women's football and wheelchair basketball...Other amateur teams represent the club at ice hockey, athletics, baseball, cycling, field hockey, figure skating, and volleyball."

The things I didn't know about my club. Although I do know that we used to have an American Football team, which folded a few years back.

Zach Dundas said...

One of the cool things about getting the tourista treatment at River Plate this February was seeing the inside of El Monumental, where the club maintains its volleyball, martial arts and gymnastics facilities and runs a kindergarten.

Linda said...

That sounds really awesome. The tour of El Monumental, I meant, but the existence of the martial arts facilities is also pretty awesome.